Our Services

  • Love

    In the words of Dr. Patch Adams: Love your patients, that's where healing happens. 

    Dr. Premazzi has attended two Healthcare Intensive workshops with ( the real life!!) Dr. Patch Adams. His inspiration, both as a medical clown and a social justice warrior, infuses, enlivens and inspires her practice approach.  


    Dr. Premazzi believes healthcare is a human right and strives to make everyone feel welcome. She creates a safe space for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ individuals to get the health support they need.

    All are welcome here.

  • Naturopathic Medicine & Primary Care

    Naturopathic physicians in Oregon are licensed primary care providers, trained to offer individualized, holistic care. Naturopathic medicine emphasizes identifying and addressing the root causes of illness, rather than just treating symptoms. By working with the body’s natural healing abilities and the therapeutic power of nature, naturopathic doctors support the body’s journey toward recovery and balance. This approach integrates modern scientific knowledge with traditional healing practices to promote long-term health and well-being.

  • LENS Neurofeedback

    Low energy neurofeedback (brain biofeedback) offers a non drug, efficient, cost effective way to treat symptoms associated with TBI (concussion), Anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, Insomnia and processing disorders.  This specialized form of Neurofeedback works quickly and is appropriate for all ages.  

  • Nutrition

    Naturopathic physicians are trained in medical nutrition which includes individualized dietary analysis and/or the use of high quality, specific nutrients to address a patient's specific medical needs. These nutrients may be taken orally, intravenously or intramuscularly.

  • Othomolecular Medicine

    Othomolecular medicine is using nutrients in therapeutic doses to re-balance brain neurotransmitters, address long standing digestive issues, and nutritional deficiencies. The goal of orthomolecular medicine is to restore and maintain the body's biochemical balance, addressing the root causes of illness by supporting the body’s natural healing processes. This approach is based on the idea that many diseases can be prevented or treated by correcting nutritional deficiencies and imbalances, and it is often used to support the treatment of chronic conditions, boost overall wellness, and promote healing.

  • Botanical Medicine

    Botanical medicine is the use of plants as medicine. Plants are different from their pharmaceutical counterparts in that they are often more gentle than drugs and they contain nutrients in addition to their "active" ingredients. 

  • Laboratory

    NW Center for Natural Medicine is set up to serve your every need including ordering necessary labs, both through your insurance and through specialized outside labs.   Lab testing includes general wellness labs, extensive thyroid testing, hormone testing, allergy testing, nutritional testing for mental health and behavioral disorders and comprehensive stool testing.

  • Homeopathy

    Homeopathy is a gentle and powerful medicine that can address physical, emotional and spiritual well being. It uses miniscule amounts of substances to treat symptoms based on the principle of "like cures like".

  • Photobiomodulation

    Photobiomodulation is a form of light therapy.  The use of a photonic stimulator can aid with tissue healing and relaxation,  and nervous system calming

  • Chelation

    Chelation is an Intravenous or oral therapy using the synthetic amino acid EDTA or sulfur derived compounds of DMPS or DMSA to detoxify the body. These chelators have the ability to bond or "claw" onto atoms of mercury, lead, cadmium, calcium, and many other heavy and trace minerals during this process and carry them away via the urinary or gastrointestinal tracts.

  • Cancer Support

    There are many options for adjunctive and supportive care for those navigating the diagnosis of cancer. These options include counseling, energetic balancing, high dose IV vitamin C, and expert advice on supplementation and nutrition. Supportive care is available for those who choose to undergo chemotherapy treatments and radiation. These therapies often increase the overall well being and increase the quality of life of the patient.

  • Intravenous Therapy

    (Not currently available)

    IV therapy is a way to introduce nutrients and therapeutic agents directly into the bloodstream. It can be used to correct deficiencies, enhance immune function, increase energy and assist in maintaining health. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other natural agents can be administered in a pleasant relaxing atmosphere while a person reads, listens to music, or chats with other patients. IV therapy is often used to support a person with chronic or severe illness, who is undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments. It is also used to optimize nutrients essential for detoxification.

  • Heavy Metal Screening & Detoxification

    Many patients have unknown exposure to heavy metals such as mercury and lead. This can come from our environment, dental amalgams, paint, immunizations, industry, agriculture, etc. Heavy metals bind with tissues throughout the body and can be associated dementia, neurological problems such as Parkinsons and ALS, immune deficiencies, Autism, Attention deficit /hyperactivity disorder, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia, Fat metabolism disorders, and Hormone imbalances. Patients are screened for excessive levels of heavy metals using state of the art laboratory testing. Individualized, carefully supervised, treatment protocols safely clear heavy metals from our patients

  • Horomone Balancing

    Available to men and women for a variety of imbalances. If you suffer from thyroid or adrenal imbalances, infertility, peri-menopause or menopause, Naturopathic medicine can help balance out your hormones. We utilize laboratory testing, along with physical exam and history to diagnose endocrine problems. Nutrition, botanicals and bio Identical natural hormones (when appropriate) are utilized to create the balance you seek

  • Reiki / Shamanic Healing

    Utilizing may years of eclectic study, Dr.Premazzi offers healing on an energetic and spiritual level as well as being grounded in the physical sciences. She has studied universal Shamanism for a decade and is a Reiki Master teacher.

About Dr. Premazzi

With a love of physical medicine and functional medicine, she approaches each patient with their highest manifestation of health in mind, and holds that vision as she walks with them on their journey towards optimal health.